Liking where this game is going and looking forward to the updates, please tell me you're going to put in autofellatio...also, where can I go to throw you a few bucks in support for the game?
I plan to implement autofellatio mushrooms that suck on the mc when she touch them. Also in the future I would like to start something like patreon. Thank you for your kindness🤝
Yes, that's right🤝. Unity free version tries to send data about the runtime environment at startup. I'm confident that this game is not infected with a virus. But since there is no guarantee of that, it might be better not to run it.
oh okey, At least my save wasnt ereased. Btw. Amazing game cant wait for it to be complete, and gonna support as soon as I can, but Already around 50% completion after being done, damn I hope its gonna be longer, cuz this game is a great expierience that is gonna be really difficult to find in any other titles.
creo que estaria genial que algun jefe derrotado de un mapa del area donde esta la chica despues de la chica mofeta y tal vez agradesca dando algun arma o algo
Todos los jefes tendrán ítems especiales para soltar en el futuro. Una vez que la animación para que el personaje principal use esas armas esté terminada, la añadiré👍
It's most likely to be finished next year, as it seems that Mofu is attending to a lot of suggestions and this delayed the course of the updates for a bit. We are almost reaching the end of the beta though
Thank you for your support! Now I'm postponing the addition of characters and re-designing the entire system. Once that is complete, all that is left is to add the images, which will speed up development immensely👍
Could you make it so that the little mushrooms enemy in Cyntia's boss fight (the bull) despawn after defeating the boss battle cause one time i got killed by them (they snuck into the far left side of the corner the next area you couldn't get through) after defeating Cynthia and i have to fight the boss all over again
Ohh and one time i got stunned by her (Cynthia) and the stun wouldn't go away
Sorry about that bug! I'm investigating its cause. And the little mushrooms should be leaving from the left side, but now they are stopping there because the door is closed🤧
I gotta say, a number of things about this game really impress me. From the artstyle down to the boss battles, it's really piqued my interest. I understand this game is in the development stage, so it will take time for more content to be added but I'm happy with the way it seems to be going.
The one thing I would recommend changing/removing is the "Doll". It gives off loli vibes (uugh I hate that term) & anything resembling a kid has no place in a game like this. If you're insistant on keeping it in then at least give it some clothes & keep it as a solely combat orientated follower/pet. Other than that, great work.
Thanks for reply. Just a suggestion, it's your game so you do you. Didn't mean to spark another heated debate on here so I'll be on my merry way. Lookin' forward to future updates.
Yo! I've been following the game for some months now. So far, it looks nice! But if I may give suggestion, I hope to see more stories and wearable outfit in the future. I mean, Nene already looks nice the way she is, but an outfit wouldn't hurt, right?
Anyway, keep up the good work and make the game lovelier, but don't get overworked! ^w^
I really liked the demo of this game and hope to see it finished in the future and would 100% buy it on steam 10/10:D
but I also wanted to say that I hope everything is going well for you especially after earlier (I read the comments) you really didn't deserve that it's best to ignore people like that or they'll just keep hitting ya. focus more on the positives than the negative side of thing, I mean you have lots of fans supporting you and friends too and like you said you have a strong heart
(I literally made an account on here just to make your day a little better, so I hope it works :))
Кстати недавно вспомнил mofu вроде хотел добавить персонажа lipstor хотел узнать вы уже его нарисовали мне очень интересно как он выглядит и когда стоит ждать его в игре ? извините если вдруг что-то не так написал не уверен в правильности перевода
Но это ведь хорошая идея ты многое сделала и всегда ему помогаешь как по мне ты заслужила чтобы и тебя был свой персонаж ну я думал что он будет как гид который будет помогать в прохождении и довать подсказки и не беспокойся о мнениях других просто игнорь их но если ты совсем против я не настаиваю
It's going to be available on and Steam for about $9.99😎's a bit expensive here on phil. because of crisis about exchange rate of philippines peso and dollar, i'm saving up too.
unless the game doesn't get localised, you should be able to get a decent price. Here on on the other hand should be more expansive because it directly converts to your currency from the Dollar
How many bossfights (more or less) are you planning to add before reaching the village? I guess reaching the village won't be the end of the story since you have said there's gonna be many different NPCs living there. The public beta apparently goes until we reach the village, right? So that would give us an estimate. The new area with the mushroom and cow looks like its located near a possible exit already but im not sure.
I'm very excited for a big update, mofu is doing a perfect job the scenes the characters, everything the game from what I've seen so far has had no flaws, job very well done congratulations!!!
Okay, I'll move my question from the other thread to here, since it's better visible here.
We were at the topic with the action phrases? an the translation. How does one activate these actions? Because all I can find are the ordinary conversation scripts.
Do you know if we'll get seggs scenes with puppet? Like reacting when dancing wanking or peeing, instead of carrying the puppet with your hands use your d*** or even just artwork of the puppets?
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Tem previsão para uma próxima atualização? A luta contra o boss cogumelo sempre se repete, gostaria que minha vitória ficasse salva.
Sim, há vários bugs sérios neste jogo, por isso preciso de os corrigir primeiro é a minha prioridade.
Liking where this game is going and looking forward to the updates, please tell me you're going to put in autofellatio...also, where can I go to throw you a few bucks in support for the game?
Yes, thank you for explaining it! I will upgrade it with translations in the future😉
I plan to implement autofellatio mushrooms that suck on the mc when she touch them. Also in the future I would like to start something like patreon. Thank you for your kindness🤝
Looking forward to it
what about 'Gnu'
Thank you for making that image🥰🤝
whats new in this update
Yes, thank you for writing that!🤗
I love your work, it is the best i have seen in futanari games and that just is beta and has spanish lenguage uwu
Sí, su traducción es excelente. Muchas gracias por hacerla🥰
Se lo agradesco muchísimo, hace un excelente trabajo :3 y en efecto no es mi fuerte el inglés, ni en español escribo bien xD
Sí, Lip tiene la capacidad de traducir maravillosamente🥰
Thank you for liking this game! I will add many more pictures and make it even better👍
He assured him that I look forward to every news!!! I support you by sharing this gem to more people that I know will love it!!! Good luck!!!
Thank you so much for your support🤗💕
So I was playing the game but when I quit it dissapeard, my windows deleated it cuz It said that it was a trojan virus
Yes, that's right🤝. Unity free version tries to send data about the runtime environment at startup. I'm confident that this game is not infected with a virus. But since there is no guarantee of that, it might be better not to run it.
Win64 zip is working so Everything is okey but that one above is a trojan
oh okey, At least my save wasnt ereased. Btw. Amazing game cant wait for it to be complete, and gonna support as soon as I can, but Already around 50% completion after being done, damn I hope its gonna be longer, cuz this game is a great expierience that is gonna be really difficult to find in any other titles.
and the .35 upd? it jump from .34 to .36 or he not post it as a dev log
Anyway i love this game i follow it for a log time and after every update the game get better (srry for the bad eng)
Yes, sorry, I made that mistake😓
creo que estaria genial que algun jefe derrotado de un mapa del area donde esta la chica despues de la chica mofeta y tal vez agradesca dando algun arma o algo
Sí, el mapa cambiará mucho en el futuro. Y será enorme😉
Big Map=More Fun, but also more work. So, Good Luck with that 👍
Because It would be really good to have a wider world to explore. Thanks for the hard work 🙇
Todos los jefes tendrán ítems especiales para soltar en el futuro. Una vez que la animación para que el personaje principal use esas armas esté terminada, la añadiré👍
Where can i get the bigger dick mushroom?
Yes, thank you for explaining that!🤝 And I intend to add an even bigger it in the future.
真 瓷器
The idea is to complete the game by the end of the year, right? so i hope i can complete it asap, as soon as i can i will send you some dollars
It's most likely to be finished next year, as it seems that Mofu is attending to a lot of suggestions and this delayed the course of the updates for a bit. We are almost reaching the end of the beta though
What?! 14girls even before the village??? I hope that the village is not the end from the game ^^
Yes, I will continue to develop and add new stories after this is completed😉
Once the entire system design is complete I plan to publish this on Steam😁
Thank you so much for explaining it and URLs🤗
Thank you for your support! Now I'm postponing the addition of characters and re-designing the entire system. Once that is complete, all that is left is to add the images, which will speed up development immensely👍
Could you make it so that the little mushrooms enemy in Cyntia's boss fight (the bull) despawn after defeating the boss battle cause one time i got killed by them (they snuck into the far left side of the corner the next area you couldn't get through) after defeating Cynthia and i have to fight the boss all over again
Ohh and one time i got stunned by her (Cynthia) and the stun wouldn't go away
Sorry about that bug! I'm investigating its cause. And the little mushrooms should be leaving from the left side, but now they are stopping there because the door is closed🤧
What puppet?
Thank you for making that image🥰
I gotta say, a number of things about this game really impress me. From the artstyle down to the boss battles, it's really piqued my interest. I understand this game is in the development stage, so it will take time for more content to be added but I'm happy with the way it seems to be going.
The one thing I would recommend changing/removing is the "Doll". It gives off loli vibes (uugh I hate that term) & anything resembling a kid has no place in a game like this. If you're insistant on keeping it in then at least give it some clothes & keep it as a solely combat orientated follower/pet. Other than that, great work.
Yes, some people would like to see these added👍
I have been asked to add a Puppet(Doll), so I intend to keep it. However, it's possible to add clothing to them so I will consider adding that👍
Thanks for reply. Just a suggestion, it's your game so you do you. Didn't mean to spark another heated debate on here so I'll be on my merry way. Lookin' forward to future updates.
maybe discord or some way to contact each other about all this
Why doe?
Is there anyway around it?
You could use a temp email to create a discord or to send him an email funciona por 2 dias y te dejan crear una cuenta de Twitter. Por lo menos 2 dias para decirle a mofu el problema
de nada 😉 si te piden numero puedes usar una app de numero gratis como "text me"
How can i get Momo's wepon when i already defedet her?
Sorry, I will make that wepon available in the next update even after Momo is defeated👍
Thank you
Oh also i replayed the game fought the first mushroom boss and i got awarded an item but it didnt show up in my inventory
It could be Archivements, not items.
Oh i remember it came saying "retrieved retracting cock"
Yeah i believe thats right
Hey when going for a dig spot make sure the dog isnt stuck below were it cant get up you will get stuck
Oh, that's one of the bugs. Thank you for letting me know about it!
Check the faq for anything new 💓
Sorry! I made a mistake with it😭 But rewriting is difficult so I will leave it as it is.
O jogo é parece dark soul ksks, gostei muito do trabalho de vocês, continue assim, e uma pergunta, terá como melhorar itens?
Sim, essa característica pode ser acrescentada no futuro👍
Aos poucos o jogo está sendo reconhecido pelos BRs kkkkk
Amei o jogo 😍❤️, estou animado para próxima atualização ❤️❤️❤️
Sim, obrigado por explicar isso🤗
Obrigado por ter gostado deste jogo. Irei manter isto actualizado😉
Yo! I've been following the game for some months now. So far, it looks nice! But if I may give suggestion, I hope to see more stories and wearable outfit in the future. I mean, Nene already looks nice the way she is, but an outfit wouldn't hurt, right?
Anyway, keep up the good work and make the game lovelier, but don't get overworked! ^w^
This is because there is no reason for them to actively wear clothes, since there are only futa in this world. and, it's easy to draw them😆
That's a bit sad, I was expecting some outfits but if it makes your work easier then it's completely understandable
I plan to add a large number of outfits once I improve the system a bit more👍
Oh pls some high thighs/long socks let's goooo
And the other good pervy stuff :333
Thank you for following this game! I will be adding lots of new outfits in the future😉
Good to hear it and you're welcome!
Nene's first outfit was really cute
im glad you are back lipstor
I really liked the demo of this game and hope to see it finished in the future and would 100% buy it on steam 10/10:D
but I also wanted to say that I hope everything is going well for you especially after earlier (I read the comments) you really didn't deserve that it's best to ignore people like that or they'll just keep hitting ya. focus more on the positives than the negative side of thing, I mean you have lots of fans supporting you and friends too and like you said you have a strong heart
(I literally made an account on here just to make your day a little better, so I hope it works :))
I think that includes you👍
Thank you for liking this! I will definitely finish this and publish it on Steam.
And yes, I agree with you. It's important to focus on the positives of things. And thank you for making your account🤗
Yup I mean both of you👍👍
Np:), and I’m sorry those things happened to you I hope things will get better for you soon 😊
Im bad at bossfights in this game, any tips or items i could find to help me out?
Yes, thank you for that description and awesome FAQ image🥰
Кстати недавно вспомнил mofu вроде хотел добавить персонажа lipstor хотел узнать вы уже его нарисовали мне очень интересно как он выглядит и когда стоит ждать его в игре ? извините если вдруг что-то не так написал не уверен в правильности перевода
Сейчас я нахожусь в процессе разработки персонажа для Липстора. Когда он будет готов, я хотел бы опубликовать его здесь😉
Но это ведь хорошая идея ты многое сделала и всегда ему помогаешь как по мне ты заслужила чтобы и тебя был свой персонаж ну я думал что он будет как гид который будет помогать в прохождении и довать подсказки и не беспокойся о мнениях других просто игнорь их но если ты совсем против я не настаиваю
Да, я тоже хотел бы сделать то, что хочет Lipstor👍
How much will the game cost when it's coming out on steam? I better save up sum money
It's going to be available on and Steam for about $9.99😎's a bit expensive here on phil. because of crisis about exchange rate of philippines peso and dollar, i'm saving up too.
unless the game doesn't get localised, you should be able to get a decent price. Here on on the other hand should be more expansive because it directly converts to your currency from the Dollar
Yes, thank you for writing that! And I may lower the price of this in the future.
This game is great and the art is great too👀✨✨
Yes, I will improve this further😉
Thank you fore liking this🥰👍
How many bossfights (more or less) are you planning to add before reaching the village? I guess reaching the village won't be the end of the story since you have said there's gonna be many different NPCs living there. The public beta apparently goes until we reach the village, right? So that would give us an estimate. The new area with the mushroom and cow looks like its located near a possible exit already but im not sure.
I plan to implement 14 boss fights until the main character reaches the village. However, this plan has been changed many times in the past😆
I'm very excited for a big update, mofu is doing a perfect job the scenes the characters, everything the game from what I've seen so far has had no flaws, job very well done congratulations!!!
True, actually the graphics and the art style of characters are overpowered.
Yes, two scenes will be added in the next big update👍
Thank you for liking this game! I will continue to make big updates💪
By the way, in the future it is possible if we can get the cat weapon?
Yeah😂. I'm kind of like antihero so stealing skills, abilities, or their stuff is not a big deal for me.
Don't need, antihero always working alone😎
Ok, I will add that weapon👍
Thank you so much again for fixing that!🥰🤝 I will back it up so I dont lose it again!
Have you thought about releasing a major update?
It's probably being processed, but it should take some time still
A major update is done when new scene is added, but currently this game has many system issues, so I'm prioritizing fixing them.
WOW!!! It's so cool! WIth the images and shown on a map! Amazing work Lipstor!🤩👍👍👍
This is amazing! Great job Lip! <3
Thank you so much for creating this awesome image!🤗💕 This image solves all the questions for this game👍
Yes, and I plan to hide something there😁
Okay, I'll move my question from the other thread to here, since it's better visible here.
We were at the topic with the action phrases? an the translation. How does one activate these actions? Because all I can find are the ordinary conversation scripts.
Yes, thank you for answering that question! They can be written in the conversation scripts to add effects to the letters👍
In this case I don't understand the discussion about it making it more complicated for translators, as it is an entirely optional option. 😺
Do you have a demo of the effects?
- Never mind, I see I can simulate it myself. Problem is just, that the effect lasts for the whole conversation instead of selected words. ^ ^'
Thank you so so much for all your great work!😍💕 I would like to add this image to the FAQ!
How many puppets are there?
Awesome ty
Do you know if we'll get seggs scenes with puppet? Like reacting when dancing wanking or peeing, instead of carrying the puppet with your hands use your d*** or even just artwork of the puppets?
Cool thanks:)