Futakin Valley


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Where to eliminate the huge balls after defeating Mushira


The crash bug of opening the box in the air was finally repaired. After one crash, the props in my box were wiped out by the bug. 😓I didn't dare to use the box for a long time. I think it should be OK this time😁

Sorry about that fatal bug. And thank you for letting me know about it!🤗


Thank you, mofu, for your great job making this great game!


Thank you! I will complete this game😁

De que se trata la nueva actualizacion




Sí, gracias por escribirlo👍


Me encanta esta super genial el juego super chido gran juego Mofu

Muchas gracias por gustarte este juego🤝


Thank you for the new version brought by mofu. Even though it has been a long time since the last update, I learned about some of the current situation of mofu when I read the comment area. Due to the regional restrictions of my country, I cannot support mofu on platforms other than steam. mofu, this update is great! But I also hope that mofu cares more about himself! As long as it can be released on steam, I will purchase and support it as soon as possible!


Thank you for your concern! I plan to put out a notice on Steam soon for this game. I will complete this for you as soon as possible😉


Great game Mofu I've liked what the graphics look like and the sex scenes aswell. I hope that you're able to keep working on this game. I can't wait for when 0.032.0 comes out

Thank you! The next update will most likely be 0.032👍

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Hello, mofu I liked this update, thank you.

Thank you for liking this!🤝


And you can link to your other games, I think you can also try to play XD


That's a very interesting idea😁👍




Finally, update!


Thank you for coming back to see the update👍


I'm going to guess that your next update is a big one? Also, about the accessories, what do you plan to make for Vagina accessories?


Vagina accessories can be added in the future.👍 And the next update will be to add the cow girl's scene. After that I will remake the map.


Will the cowgirl give us the ability to lactate? And when remaking the map, will we be able to interact with Nene's visible penis and breasts? 

Yes, I plan to make two types of equipment: actual equipment and visual equipment. and the cowgirl shows us how to put the balls back in play👍

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Aeeeeee nova atualização eu prometo que cada atualização eu vou iniciar um novo save só pra fazer tudo de novo pra ver as coisas novas acontecerem e eu vou completar 100% em todos os safes só pra aproveitar o máximo esse jogo pena que não tenho dinheiro pra comprar se não comprava agora o jogo perdi meu trabalho recentemente mais creio eu que com fé no coração eu consigo arrumar um novo e compre essa maravilha de jogo boa sorte para desenvolver esse jogo maravilhoso que está se tornando uma obra prima mofu você tem um talento e tanto continue assim digo mesmo ao lip nosso tradutor sensacional vocês fazem uma bela dupla boa sorte para vocês no futuro tudo de bom a vocês 


Obrigado pelo vosso apoio! Irei completar este jogo num futuro próximo🤗

I defeated Mushria but didn't get an anything new? how  do i see the new scene?


Did you update the game?

Yes, it needs to be updated👍


I did, I did the new scene with wuelie too






what are the updates in this latest version?


Look into the update log in the main page


thanks for telling me

Thank you for your reply!🤝 Yes, it's written in the "development log".

What happened to lip?

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As far as i knew she was giving herself into medical and psychological care. But im not sure

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Then mabe keep silent over the fact its mofu who did this. It just causes Problems

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I don't know if she has lost hope because of her illness

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Its better to not talk about that situation here ,we just should hope her the better.

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Deleted 31 days ago
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boa atualização, quando lançar o jogo completo irei compra-lo, amei a atualização

Obrigado! Irei definitivamente completar este jogo😙


I knew this update was going to be amazing. The new scenes are great and can't [ can and will ] wait for more updates. Great job mofu, take some times off to not stress yourself ok?

Thank you! I’m well rested and will make a new update😉


umm I think the opening scene got bugs cuz the sprite for the balls overlap with the existent ball and it makes nene practically have no penis.(image for reference)


Thank you for letting me know about that bug! I have now fixed it🤝

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its probably my favorite bit lol welcome back lipstor

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Muy buena la actualización me encantó las nuevas escenas muy eróticas, estuve esperando por mucho y estoy muy satisfecho exelente juego 

Gracias por echar un vistazo a la nueva actualización👍


Siiiiiii nueva actualización estoy tan emocionado


The new Scenes look gorgeous, great update. I'd love to see the the scenes with the other caracters but this one is just Great. Thanks for this wonderful game.


Thank you for taking a look at new update and new scene🤗

Is there a way to Support you with translating something ?

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its German 

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is rabbit the only one you can collect semen from at this point?




Yes, and I plan to add that feature to all characters in the future👍


Hello Mofu! Sorry for my lack of activity recently, I've been quite busy with some personal issues. I've took some of my spare time to work on the PT Br translation 


I hope you have a great day. Thanks for the update and the effort you put into your work. I'm sorry I didn't have enough time to work on more fanart for your game, I was planning on doing something for the Year of the Rabbit but it was too hard.

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Also just out of curiosity, do you plan on adding more in-game sprite changes? I really like the CGs but I also love playing with the look of the character through clothing/body modification etc and I do love their sprites, so I was wondering if more contend like that would be available. ^^


Yes, many more sprites will be added in the future. It's not hard to add it, so I will start it when the system is a little more finished😉


Hello J0Gim! Thank you so much for translating that again!🤗 I'm so glad you are making it🤝

Long time no see

Lol! I'm sorry I haven't been active enough. Hi to you too! :3 


Obrigado pela tradução cara <3

Nada! Eu pretendo continuar traduzindo até o fim e também irei traduzir o outro jogo FuujuHime quando a versão em inglês estiver disponível


having trouble with UI/changing keybinds/controller inputs on the new build
once i've connected my controller the mouse when used will blink constantly and be unreliable to use
when trying to re-set my controller binds everything will automatically set to stick-5 about as soon as the "press key to bind it" thingy pops up even if i unplug the controller/reset the game so it doesnt know it had any controller etc

it would be nice if you could create preset binds for controllers as it is kind of annoying fixing it to test each update :) (i namely like jump on X, attack on r2, special on L2, dodge/roll on square


I apologize for the problem with the recognition of keybinds/controller inputs. I will look into it further and improve the system to be able to handle any controller. Also, there is a "Stick 5" detection item in the lower right corner, so you may be able to turn it off to enable input.


Finally the update!

Thanks to Mof for such work, I liked the update.

If no one will take up the Russian translation, then write to me, I will do it (today or tomorrow)



I was bored so I already made the translation

But I'm not sure I translated everything


Thank you so much for the great translation!🤝🥰 I will add that to the next update!


you're welcome


Ur games are the best . Take time and put more updates 👍


Thank you! I will make this with care and lots of time😉


I met a bug .When I held the mushroom dog, I triggered the truffle digging and then stood still. At this time, you can only exit the game.


Thank you for letting me know about that bug! I will fix that right away👍


How do I keep the big balls away, they are annoying


Use the jack off emote, it goes away afterwards


Yes, that can be cured by ejaculation👍

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I dont know what's up with Lip, but I hope he's doing well. I can't imagine this project without his participation.

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Что за болезнь если не секрет (what kind of disease, if not a secret) ? 

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( (do you speak Russian? ) A problem in the cerebellum which causes me heart issues. Other illness that I have is psychosomatic, this means that my brain hurts my body when I'm stressed. And other few illness.

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Ah, at last!! latest version of this masterpiece!!

Sorry for hype btw


Sorry for not making much progress each time😓

it's okay, our leader. at least there is the chance with Wuelie :)


Saudações, Mofu! Sobre o evento da estátua, quantos frascos de sêmen eu devo recolher para dar a ela?

E eu espero do fundo do meu coração que Lip esteja bem. 


O jogador precisa de recolher um sémen de cada um de cerca de 12 caracteres. No entanto, essa parte ainda não está terminada.😓

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lipstor最近还好吗,没见她的发言了,mofu,下次的更新能考虑一下加入“断面图”吗,这只是一个建议,这次的更新让人印象深刻,真的有“urethral insertion”😃😃



(1 edit)



After getting rid of the big balls effect, is it possible to regain it again? Also, who else's sperm do I need to collect. I already gave the statue a bottle of the Rabbit's sperm.


you can restart the boss fight against mushria to get the big ball debuff again.

and i don't think anyone but wuelie has that semen collection thing added. i tried activating the momo event again, but she didn't have her semen get collected, so i think it's only wuelie for now. more will be added in the future i'm sure.


Thank you for the the response. A bummer the big balls is a debuff and not an accessory option like the Erectshroom, etc. 


Yes, it's a debuff because it's so huge. However, I would like to make it possible in the future to add it as an accessory😉


Yes, currently only Wuelie has that feature added. I plan to add that to all characters in the future👍


Thank you for the response. Great job so far.

(1 edit)

wait it end on Nene gettin big balls right? There's nothing after right?


Sorry, currently I have only made that part yet😓


I don't know what happened to Lip, she was always helping Mofu... Lip was always there helping players, reporting bugs, helping with translation... I've never seen anyone love and help their favourite developer so much, something terrible had to happen to her to disappear because I remember her helping Mofu even when she was sick.

Hey Mofu if she ever shows up again try to support her, she was doing her best for you and you are her idol, so you are the best person to help her, I'm sure you can make her forget whatever is hurting her, whether it's an illness, problems at work, or someone hurting her

Thank you for your concern and kindness. 

Yes, Lipstor is very important to me. I received a reply from her yesterday. She was deeply hurt by my betrayal towards her. As a result, she left here. I apologized for it, but I don't know if she has forgiven me. I hope that one day she will forgive me and come back😞

Deleted 2 years ago

How come it's giving me a bin file instead of APK for Android. I can't run the game because of it.


Please download APK from the list above.

what was added in the update?




Thank you for linking to that👍

Yoo the game updated and i just coincidentally took the days off. And i haven't seen lip around lately what happened?

Some thing hapend we don't know but I don't think she coming back

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