Futakin Valley

Futaken Valley ver 0.031.47

The following changes have been made in this version.

- Added a scene where they can have sex again after fighting Wuelie.

- Added a scene after the victory over Mushria.(incomplete)

- Added a debuff that makes the balls bigger.

- Added the ability to see Nene's whole body in the status screen.


futakenvalley-win.zip 71 MB
Version 0.031.47 Jan 24, 2023
futakenvalley-win64.zip 73 MB
Version 0.031.47 Jan 24, 2023
futakenvalley-linux.zip 76 MB
Version 0.031.47 Jan 24, 2023
futakenvalley-linux64.zip 76 MB
Version 0.031.47 Jan 24, 2023
futakenvalley-mac.zip 75 MB
Version 0.031.47 Jan 24, 2023
futakenvalley-mac64.zip 75 MB
Version 0.031.47 Jan 24, 2023
FutakenValley.apk 78 MB
Version 0.031.47 Jan 24, 2023


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Alguém pode me dizer oque aconteceu com o jogo?

Este jogo foi banido pelo administrador do itch.

(1 edit) (+1)

Why is the game suspended.what did mofu do and why is she suspended😡😭

This game has been banned due to the presence of minors in this game.


how do i use the penis shaped stone thing near the white mushroom house

That stone will henceforth function like a door.


I must be missing something. I've beaten everyone but now can't find the cow maid or the second Mushria. Is the map also no longer in the game?

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thanks, I'm not seeing the map in the shop but I figured out where to go from looking at this. 

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can i have some all collected savedata?

much thanks

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will try harder anyway


hi Mofu i have a request and i hope its an easy one to do

can you plz add more cum in wuelies room?

i feel like she should have the ground and wall full of cum 

maybe even a pool of it near her bed 

ty <3


dont know if its a bug or we need to wait until you make repeatable boss scenes but you can only get wuelies cum for the statue if you have already beat the bosses


This is such an amazing update! I cant wait untill this game gets bigger and better!

Thank you for coming back to see the new update!🤝


Woo! Update! Nice job, man!

(Sorry for the delay. I assure you I am still working on the translation. I ain't abandoning it!)


Thank you for making the translation! You are always welcome😉👍


muy buena la nueva versión, me gusta mucho 

Gracias por jugar a la nueva versión🤝


aeee ja tava carente muito bom esse jogo <3<3<3


Muito obrigado!🤗


I already done all of the new things 10/10 nice job with the new CG's and the debuff thing!!


Thank you for taking a look at the new CGs!🤗

Deleted 1 year ago

Sorry, once Mushria is defeated, she will not reappear, so you will need the saved data from before you defeated her.

Deleted 1 year ago

not only did i get to have sex with my wife Wuelie again but also a new cg showing her perfect ass balls and holes too ❤️ 10/10


Thank you for looking at the new CG!🤗


Nice i definitely have to check this out later when I get the chance

I look forward to seeing the update. I definitely wonder about the debuff and if it is for appearance of balls  only or if that has an effect has well


The debuff that makes her balls larger reduces her movement speed.



Well certainly one  debuff to have maybe  to keep around  as well instead of curing

Deleted 106 days ago

That's a very interesting idea, I would like to add it😁


i love the update! i definitely didn't expect the wuelie scene but it was a very nice surprise! and the mushria scene was so hot! always happy to see big dicks with lots of foreskin, especially on big ladies like her and ophelia.

and speaking of ophelia, i am really looking forward to see what you do with her scene and house. no matter how you end up having ophelia drain nene's balls, it's gonna be great!

also, do you think you'll have the big balls debuff show up in the map menu? i noticed it wasn't there, but that's not really a big deal in my opinion. the debuff icon also stays on the screen even after you cum enough to get rid of it.


Thank you for watching for new update!🤝 Ophelia explain to Nene that Nene can make her balls smaller by ejaculating in Ophelia's house. And thank you for letting me know about the bug where the debuff icon keeps showing up on the screen. I will fix it soon.





(1 edit)



Thank you!😉

No problem, I love this game already, keep it up! ^^

(1 edit) (+1)


Where is the patreon?

Edit: Yeah I just remembered it is not 2016...Patreon is a lot more scummy today.

I don't have the patreon😓


Have you considering making one? I’m sure you’d get a good amount of support.

Thank you! I would like to get started on it😉

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Ooh, i didnt know that. Thanks for letting me know.

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