Futakin Valley

Futaken Valley Android version

I have been requested to add an Android version of this game for some time now, so I have added it.😉

This version has a controller icon in the lower left corner. you press it and the buttons will appear. If not needed, press the icon again to make it disappear.

When installing apk, you may see some warning messages, but this game is not a virus, so there is no problem installing it.😁👍


FutakenValley.apk 78 MB
Version 0.031.13 Jun 16, 2022


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Deleted 2 years ago
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is there a cheat for android

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Hello! Nya~

Is it possible for me to download an old version of the game? I've tried but I can't download it

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They're going to fix the Android version???

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If there are any bugs I will fix them soon.😁


You know, in every nsfw games that I come across in itch, there is always those comments who asks for the apk/android version.

Some of them sternly said no because it's a waste of time or they lack skills to port it to mobile but some of them obliged or already has planned to turn it into apk.

However, being tricked to do the apk version is just irritating to just witness.

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yikes. It's almost as bad as YouTube botted comments.

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I was going to turn it down if I needed to put in a lot of work for an Android version. But since Unity can easily build it, so I made it. The only thing I created was input buttons for Android.😉

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За это я безмерно благодарен))) 

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Why don't you ban lipstor mofu? he has never helped you in any way and only posts stupid and useless comments, ban his account so he doesn't post any more stupid comments and let him go crying

does it have actual controller support?

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Yes, and I will continue to add more controllers to support.👍

Oh nice. Was not expecting this but it is a nice surprise. Well two versions to have  depending on what to feel like to use.

Mofu, it's not opening to install, the file says it can't open, in this case the Android version.
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I don't think that's it because it's not the first time I've downloaded games from itch.io and this warning has already appeared with other games, but very few. So I don't think that's it.
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When I click on it, a little message appears saying that the file could not be opened.

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I don't know the cause of it, but it may have something to do with the Android OS version. It's highly likely that it will not work with Android OS version 4 or lower, or 12 or higher.


Sort of off topic, but do you have any plans to translate your previous game as well?  I'm more interested in SRPG than platformers

(1 edit) (+2)

he has plans on translating Futaring into English when he releases it on Steam 


Yes, I intend to do so in the future.😉👍

i didn't know Futaring was coming to Steam, this is very good news :D

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You can buy it on dlsite or booth now

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yes but that's not in english, and what's out there isn't translated well and has tons of untranslated text

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Yes, thank you for writing that! I will do so.👍


thank you very much for making my request about the android version, now it will be easier for me to put viruses to people from my websites with this, thank you for everything mr.idiot ;)

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I dislike your kind.


That's why should download it from well-known sites like Play Store or Itch.io. and... fuck u asshole.

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unfortunately this guy is tarnishing the android platform here in the community... sad ._.


?what's wrong with you

Please don't ever do such a thing🤢

It is not for you gross shit.It belongs us don't have a PC but want to play it.

How could a stupid motherfucker think like that?Is it a bad joke or something?huh?

Why do you like making people feel sick?Your parents must never ever love you!And your parents are way too dumb to born you idiot,they should be shame on you,even i know they hadn't, because they're fucking shit of bitches.

Fuck you!🖕

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

the best game developer

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yes, but not all developers like to compile for platforms other than Windows and even more for Android, which is a totally different platform and needs to adapt buttons on the screen.

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(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Sigh,I noticed that.Indeed, someone has been asking Mofu to develop Android version all the time.Not only he just regard Mofu as a tool,but also he has some bad purposes.That's......disgusting.(I sent a comment here before, but the current situation makes this comment look weird, so I deleted it).And is it possible that Mofu is enticing that guy to tell his real purpose?Anyway,hope Mofu will be okay😔

There is no problem.👍 I think that by making an Android version, I have made it harder for someone to distribute a fake Android version with a virus.😁

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(2 edits) (-1)

Really?So my concern is unnecessary,because I don't know about this😂of course I mean the function of unity

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I have not rewritten the program specifically for the Android version, so I can continue to update the windows version, etc. as I have in the past.👍

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Yes, creating an Android version does not affect my development. I just add the Build for Android in Unity to the output, it's that easy.🤗

Deleted 2 years ago