Futakin Valley

Futaken Valley ver 0.031.45

The following changes have been made in this version.

- Fixed a bug where closing inventory while dragging an equipped item would change the item's position.

- Updated Russian translation.

- Fixed a problem with the hammer skill causing two hits.

- Integrated key config into settings.

- Added a message window explaining the planned development part.


futakenvalley-win.zip 71 MB
Version 0.031.45 Dec 13, 2022
futakenvalley-win64.zip 73 MB
Version 0.031.45 Dec 13, 2022
futakenvalley-linux.zip 76 MB
Version 0.031.45 Dec 13, 2022
futakenvalley-linux64.zip 76 MB
Version 0.031.45 Dec 13, 2022
futakenvalley-mac64.zip 75 MB
Version 0.031.45 Dec 13, 2022
FutakenValley.apk 78 MB
Version 0.031.45 Dec 13, 2022


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o game ja foi lançado na steam?

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e porque não tem mais atualização?

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Desculpem a falta de actualizações durante algum tempo. Em breve poderei actualizar, penso eu.👍

At this point, Lipstor should be granted special access fr💀

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I need more story haha, when is the next update?

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Thank you Lip for explaining that🤗

Sorry for the late update! I'm in the process of making it👍


When is the next update?

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Thank you for answering that question!🤝


is pussy equipment isn't finished?

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Yes, they will be added in the future😉


bro I'm a Chinese,you did a good job.if you don't know anything about Chinese.maybe I can help you

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Yes, this game has been translated by one anonymous person👍

Thank you for your kindness! The translations for this game are in the folder Game_Data/StreamingAssets/language/, so anyone can edit them.


Im following this project with real interest, anyway, if you ever need help with Italian translation just ask, I'm not an official translator or something, just an Italian dude who speak English

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Any clue on where to find the translation file?

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Thank you for your kindness! The translation of this game can be edited by anyone. So if you can translate it I will add it to this game👍

Where can i find the translation file?

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Thank you Lip for writing that!🤗


Ok, i've strated translating somethnig, adjust some verbs, and similar, for the shrooms, do you need the Scientific name of them, or its ok if i transalte them in regional name if they have one, for example amanita muscaria its also called falso ovolo in italian

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Yes, I will accept any translation👍

Yes, you are free to have them renamed, it's no problem😉


- mofu, why you don't place a "frequently asked questions" here? it may help with the repetitive questions at every single updat

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Thank you for explaining that🤗. Yes, the FAQ page already exists.

(1 edit) (-1)

I guess this means mofu should make the faq more noticeable and obnoxious, maybe put it multiple times in the description.

As well as a big text at the top of the page: "When is the next update? Whenever it's ready. There's no set schedule for updates. Thanks for your understanding. I'm the only developer and this isn't my full-time job."

I'm not trying to make fun of you or anything, sorry if it comes off like that, but the faq is kinda buried in the description so a lot of people might not even see it.

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Ooh, boy, more updates. I really need to quicken my translation to catch up.


Thank you for doing the translation!🤝


Still waiting next segs Story


Ok, I will add it as soon as I can👍


作者大大,这个游戏大概等到啥时候才会收费呀₍•ʚ•₎?我超级喜欢futa的,扶她赛高!另外能不能加一点衣服比如裙子长袜什么的,拜托了😍!(How long will this game cost? I've payed much attention to futa for a long time and futaは正義です !!!And could you please add some clothes like skirts and stockings?I'm looking forward to it!)

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(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for putting the barriers back into the fights! And for the message about semen collection.

Hopefully this can cut down on repetitive questions. But I doubt it lol. I don't know how you and Lip can answer the same questions time and time again. I admire the patience you both have.

Looking forward to the new updates, but don't overwork yourself on the game Mofu! This time of year is already busy enough. Take it easy. I'm sure the next big update will be worth the wait.

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Thank you for your concern🤝. The missing barriers ware just a bug. And I too admire Lip's patience.


Hi, I am one of the biggest fans of this game, and I love to clear my savings and play it again only to fight against the rabbit with the electricity. This scene is my favorite so far. 

Is it possible to see the complete game at the end of this year? I hope so <3

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Yes, I agree that it's impossible to complete it this year😓. Thank you for explaining that!


Thank you for liking this game! I will add more pictures of the electric rabbit in the near future😉






I cleared this, what should I do?

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Sorry, that's not done yet. Please wait a little longer.


How can I talk to this woman?

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Yes, that is still incomplete. I will add the conversation with her soon. And thank you for making that image🤝

i have some trouble to configure ps5 dual sense in game, the d-pad is unrecognized, and it has no analog stick dead zone, it feels extremely sensitive

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Yes, this game only supports the xbox controller.


Sorry, now I can not support the PS5 controller yet. but if I got it I can support it

"Integrated key config into settings"

is it something to do with the keyboard?

Yes, the keyboard input configuration has been moved into the settings.

thanks Mofu


when will we get new content

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Yes, I need to focus and work on it👍


I believe I can add that in the near future😉


alright nice, no pressure

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Yes, that bug was fixed in the previous update👍