Futakin Valley

Futaken Valley ver 0.031.56 & 57

The following changes have been made in this new version.

- Updated German translation.

- Fixed a bug where the item in the hand did not switch when the mc used a special skill.

- Fixed a bug that prevented urine from hitting the surface of the water.

- Fixed glitch where the mc would stand upright on a ladder when swinging his weapon.

- Fixed bug with invisible walls being hit by mushrooms.

Currently this game is no longer showing up in searches, and I'm contacting the support team to find out why🙄

{ ver 0.031.57 }

- Added Indonesian translation.

- Updated Chinese translation.

- Fixed a bug that the mc could float in the air when holding the bow while on a ladder.

- Fixed a bug that the animation was broken when moving around the area with the bow held up.

Thank you so much Daikon🤗


futakenvalley-win.zip 71 MB
Version 0.031.56 Feb 18, 2023
futakenvalley-win64.zip 73 MB
Version 0.031.56 Feb 18, 2023
futakenvalley-linux.zip 76 MB
Version 0.031.56 Feb 18, 2023
futakenvalley-linux64.zip 76 MB
Version 0.031.56 Feb 18, 2023
futakenvalley-mac.zip 75 MB
Version 0.031.56 Feb 18, 2023
futakenvalley-mac64.zip 75 MB
Version 0.031.56 Feb 18, 2023
FutakenValley.apk 78 MB
Version 0.031.56 Feb 18, 2023


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Oh, I didn't notice that you already updated the game (I should've check manually). By the way, happy to help and thank you for updating it!

(Even though the Indonesian translation is just 75% completed. I'll get back to it then.)

One more thing, do you mind updating the available language listed in the site, when you are not busy, so that people know?

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Yeah, he knew that the Indonesian translation is not complete. I am the one who told him that, when I submitted the file.


Okay, I added "Indonesian" to the available languages. Thank you so much for making it!🤗


Thanks! ^w^


please mofu update with more lore for da game i wanna know what happens whith the npcs at the righ and left borders of the map

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I can complete those NPCs quickly if I hurry, but it may take a while as I plan to rework the system and the map.

The game stopped working for me , I do not know what the matter is, the eternal black screen and loading (maybe someone will help with a new file?(

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Yes, thank you for answering that🤗


Please download the file adapted to your operating system.

If y'all can't find in on the search bar. Just use tag like Adult games blablabla, it will appear if you scroll down.

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Yes, I can't find it that way either🙄

Lipstor posso falar contigo?

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(2 edits)

Interesting. the word  Futaken does not appear in the itch.io search bar, so that might be it. Valley is the only word that gets responded in the search, but ofc the game isnt shown. Not sure if its because the word Futaken is to close to Futa, that the game is blocked in the search conditions.

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Yes, so I don't know why only this game is no longer searchable🙄

I've seen many genres empty only some like adult still have games in them so it's probably because it has genres that are removed or something idk

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I mean see how many games are in futa tag

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I have no idea about that😓


Wait? I thought that's intentional, since I have never been able to find FV through the main itch.io site (I usually use external way, through Google).

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This page will display +18 warning.

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I have set the option to allow +18 to be displayed👍

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Oh, yeah, you're right. After all this time, I never knew there's an option for it.

But still, I can't find FV when searching for it in itch.io. Strange indeed.

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I have no idea what caused this. Someone may have reported me as publishing a fake game😞


That's nonsense! The game you make is just like any other legitimate work! I think you need to file a complaint to itch.io.

(By the way, I have something for you in the Discord DM, the translation file.)

Yes, I have filed a complaint but have not received a response from itch io😞

I hope they respond to it soon then.

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Moderator may be looking to see what is going on. Because it may be a false report🤔

(1 edit) (+1)(-2)

I really feel like special attacks need some rework because they feel very underwhelming, because for exmaple in a boss fight they barely contribute to damage 

I hope to add more weapons and items in the future to make that easier👍

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Couldnt imagine why considering there are far worse things on this site

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It was mentioned that repeatedly doing "Major Update or Launch" would get me shadow banned, but I have never done that, so I really don't know why😥


Man that's trash hopefully it's just an algorithm thing and can be resolved.

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Here it's written.

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I have no idea why this game was ghost banned and this development log no longer shows up too😓